Scoring Summary
Game Leaders
Team Stats
Shots (on goal)
Corner Kicks
Scoring Summary
Game Leaders
Team Stats
Shots (on goal)
Corner Kicks
PITTSBURGH, PA - From the safety of their home turf, the La Roche Men's soccer team went head to head with Waynesburg. The Redhawks put up an impressive fight, but ultimately the game went to the Yellow Jacket's. Let's take a look at the game!
Quick Hits
First Half
Waynesburg scores three goals
2:05 Goal scored by Mohrbacher, Tyler and assisted by Gonzalez, Logan
17:32 Goal scored by McFarland, Tyler and assisted by Masscotti, Seth
26:23 Goal scored by White, Ben
Half ends 3-0, Waynesburg
Second Half
La Roche attempts multiple shots, unable to score a point
Waynesburg puts two more balls in the net
56:05 Goal scored by Mohrbacher, Tyler and assisted by White, Alex
65:54 Goal scored by Hawkins, Samuel and assisted by White, Alex
Three offsides called on the Redhawks
Final Score 5-0, Waynesburg
Important Statistics
- Kyle Rizzo for the Redhawsk totaled 8 saves
- Tyler Mohrbacher scored 2 out of the 5 goals for Waynesburg
- Ben White, Taylor McFarland, and Samuel Hawkins each contributed one goal
- Alex White earned two assists; Seth Massotti and Logan Gonzalez each earned one